Teaching Methodology

Inching further towards holistic development of a student, Ramanujan Group has been catering to the inevitable needs of the competitive world through its highly trained and professionally qualified Teachers. Ramanujan’s teaching staff is enthusiastic, energetic and whilst all being qualified to teach their specialist curriculum areas, attend subject specific workshops and related conferences to ensure that the pedagogical philosophy & quality of the educational delivery are maintained.  Continued professional development is ensured for all staff members in the Ramanujan Group.
The teaching method, which comprises of principles and strategies that are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner, is in direct relation with the characteristics of the learner and the type of learning it is supposed to bring about. The school follows a trend in which it encourages a lot of creativity which leads to the adaptive power of reasoning and therefore child’s advancement is triggered. The student-centered methodology has been enabling the student of the day to nurture his intrinsic abilities and identify the talent he is born with. The school follows the same from the pre-nursery level right up to the + 2 level. 
Professional Development of Teachers: A school’s most important asset is its teaching force and hence the most rewarding investment a school can make is to ensure that teachers continue to learn. Training of teachers is a regular and on-going activity. The School conducts an in-depth analysis to identify relevant and continuous training needs required for its teachers.
Teachers Resource Centre: One of the exclusive features of our school is the Teachers Resource Centre (TRC). Along with quality educational reference material, the Centre has computers with broadband internet facilities and serves as a conducive environment for teachers to learn, interact and grow professionally on a regular basis. It supports and facilitates in-service professional development of faculty.